Book Smart Tutors in Brampton provide affordable one-on-one tutoring in the comfort of your home in Brampton. We work with you to make sure the tutoring fits your schedule and needs. One-on-one tutoring at your home limits unnecessary distractions and saves you time. Unlike learning centers that gear their lessons to larger groups, our tutors plan their lessons around the unique needs of your child. Our goal is to see our students build self confidence, acquire new skills and achieve academic success at school.
We have over 100 tutors in the Greater Toronto Area. All of our tutors have a Bachelor degree or higher and are specialized in the provincial School Board curriculum. (Certified Teachers are also available by request)
Tutoring package starts at $160/month.
No Contracts and registration fee
Our aim is to provide high quality service with competitive pricing! We can find you a tutor in 3-5 days in most cases. You don’t have to wait weeks to get a tutor.
Meet Our Tutors

We have over 100 tutors in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. All of our tutors have a Bachelor degree or higher and are specialized in the provincial school Board curriculum in their region. Some of the credentials of our tutors include BASc, MASc, PHD, MBAs, CMAs, CGAs, CFAs, Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT), British Columbia Certified Teachers (BCCT), and Professional Engineers (P.Eng).
Brampton Tutoring Service Area
Peel Village, Springdale, Downtown Brampton, Brampton North, Bramalea, Castlemore, Heart Lake, Mount Pleasant
Primary and secondary schools
Brampton’s only public higher education institution is Sheridan College, which also has a campus in Oakville. Founded in 1967, the local campus focuses on business training. The Oakville branch is the second-largest school of Art and Design in North America. Algoma University @ Brampton offers some courses at Market Square Business Centre, 24 Queen Street East. The closest universities to Brampton include York University and University of Toronto Mississauga.
Two main school boards operate in Brampton: the Peel District School Board, which operates secular anglophone public schools, and Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, which operates Catholic anglophone public schools.
Under the Peel District School Board, the secondary schools are:
Bramalea, Brampton Centennial, Central Peel, Chinguacousy, Fletcher’s Meadow, Harold M. Brathwaite, Heart Lake, Louise Arbour, Mayfield, North Park, Judith Nyman, Sandalwood Heights, Turner Fenton, David Suzuki, and Castlebrook Secondary School, one of the newest. A total of 85 elementary and middle schools feed these high schools in the city.
Under the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the secondary schools are:
Cardinal Leger, Holy Name of Mary, Notre Dame, St. Augustine, St. Edmund Campion, St. Roch, St. Marguerite d’Youville, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Cardinal Ambrozic Secondary Schools. A total of 44 Catholic elementary and middle schools feed these high schools in the city.
Math tutors in Brampton
In Brampton, there are different courses designed for students with different needs and different career paths: Academic vs. Applied and University vs. College. Here are a few examples:
9 Principles of Mathematics Academic MPM1D
9 Foundations of Mathematics Applied MFM1P
10 Principles of Mathematics Academic MPM2D
10 Foundations of Mathematics Applied MFM2P
11 Functions University MCR3U Principles of Mathematics,
11 Functions and Applications University/College MCF3M Principles of Mathematics
12 Advanced Functions University MHF4U Functions,
12 Calculus and Vectors University MCV4U
12 Mathematics of Data Management University MDM4U Function
English tutor in Brampton
In Brampton, there are different courses designed for students with different needs and different career paths: Academic vs. Applied and University vs. College. Here are a few examples:
9 English Academic ENG1D | 9 English Applied ENG1P
10 English Academic ENG2D | 10 English Applied ENG2P
11 English University ENG3U | 11 English College ENG3C
12 English University ENG4U | 12 English College ENG4C
In person & Online tutoring for all ages and all subjects
Our goal is to see our students build self confidence, acquire new skills and achieve academic success at school. Unlike learning centers that gear their lessons to larger groups, our tutors plan their lessons around the unique needs of your child.

Kindergarten to Grade 6
Study / organizational skills, Math, English – reading / writing / comprehension, English Language Arts (ELA), Social sciences, French Immersion, French – reading / writing, Science

Grade 7 to 12
Math – Pre-Calculus / Calculus and Vectors / Advanced functions / Data Management, English – Reading comprehension / Essay writing, report editing, English Language Arts (ELA), French Immersion, Core French, General science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

University / College
Math, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Algebra, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Statistics, AutoCAD