Book Smart Tutors in Burnaby provide affordable one-on-one tutoring in the comfort of your home in Burnaby. We work with you to make sure the tutoring fits your schedule and needs. One-on-one tutoring at your home limits unnecessary distractions and saves you time. Unlike learning centers that gear their lessons to larger groups, our tutors plan their lessons around the unique needs of your child. Our goal is to see our students build self confidence, acquire new skills and achieve academic success at school.
We have over 100 tutors in the Greater Vancouver Area. All of our tutors have a Bachelor degree or higher and are specialized in the provincial School Board curriculum. (Certified Teachers are also available by request)
Tutoring package starts at $160/month.
No Contracts and registration fee
Our aim is to provide high quality service with competitive pricing! We can find you a tutor in 3-5 days in most cases. You don’t have to wait weeks to get a tutor.
Meet Our Tutors

We have over 100 tutors in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary. All of our tutors have a Bachelor degree or higher and are specialized in the provincial school Board curriculum in their region. Some of the credentials of our tutors include BASc, MASc, PHD, MBAs, CMAs, CGAs, CFAs, Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT), British Columbia Certified Teachers (BCCT), and Professional Engineers (P.Eng).
Burnaby Tutoring Service Area
Burnaby Neighbourhoods
Burnaby Heights, Willingdon Heights, West Central Valley, Brentwood, Capitol Hill, Parkcrest-Aubrey, Government Road, Sperling-Broadway, Lochdale, Westridge, Burnaby Mountain, Lake City, Lyndhurst, Cameron, Cariboo-Armstrong, Second Street, Edmonds, Stride Avenue, Stride Hill, Big Bend, Clinton-Glenwood, Sussex-Nelson, Suncrest, Maywood, Garden Village, Cascade-Schou, Douglas-Gilpin, Marlborough, Windsor, Kingsway-Beresford, Richmond Park, Morley-Buckingham, Lakeview-Mayfield, Oakalla
Burnaby is a city in British Columbia, Canada, located immediately to the east of Vancouver. It is the third-largest city in British Columbia by population, surpassed only by nearby Surrey and Vancouver.
Primary and secondary schools
School District 41 is responsible for the public schools in Burnaby. It also has a Community and Adult Education Department, and also an International Students’ Programme. Major post-secondary institutions include the main campuses of Simon Fraser University (atop Burnaby Mountain) and the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
Elementary Schools
Armstrong, Aubrey, Brantford, Brentwood Park, Buckingham, Cameron, Capitol Hill, Cascade Heights, Chaffey-Burke, Clinton, Confederation Park, Douglas Road, Edmonds, Forest Grove, Gilmore Community, Gilpin, Glenwood, Inman, Kitchener, Lakeview, Lochdale, Lyndhurst, Marlborough, Maywood Community School, Montecito, Nelson, Parkcrest, Rosser, South Slope, Stoney Creek Community School, Stride Avenue Community School, Suncrest, Taylor Park, Westridge Elementary School
Secondary Schools
Alpha Secondary School, Burnaby Central Secondary School, Burnaby Continuing Education, Burnaby Mountain Secondary Schoo, Burnaby North Secondary School, Burnaby South Secondary School, Byrne Creek Secondary School, Cariboo Hill Secondary School, Moscrop Secondary School, Willingdon Secondary School
Math tutor in Burnaby
In the Burnaby math curriculum, most of the students will use either the Foundations of
Mathematics or Pre-calculus pathway.
Foundations of Mathematics: This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies in programs that do not
require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include financial mathematics, geometry, measurement, number, logical reasoning, relations and functions, statistics and probability.
Pre-calculus: This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. Topics include algebra and number, measurement, relations and functions, trigonometry, and permutations, combinations and binomial theorem.
English tutor in Burnaby
In Burnaby, there are different courses designed for students with different needs and different career paths: Academic vs. Applied and University vs. College. Here are a few examples:
9 English Academic ENG1D | 9 English Applied ENG1P
10 English Academic ENG2D | 10 English Applied ENG2P
11 English University ENG3U | 11 English College ENG3C
12 English University ENG4U | 12 English College ENG4C
In person & Online tutoring for all ages and all subjects
Our goal is to see our students build self confidence, acquire new skills and achieve academic success at school. Unlike learning centers that gear their lessons to larger groups, our tutors plan their lessons around the unique needs of your child.

Kindergarten to Grade 6
Study / organizational skills, Math, English – reading / writing / comprehension, English Language Arts (ELA), Social sciences, French Immersion, French – reading / writing, Science

Grade 7 to 12
Math – Pre-Calculus / Calculus and Vectors / Advanced functions / Data Management, English – Reading comprehension / Essay writing, report editing, English Language Arts (ELA), French Immersion, Core French, General science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

University / College
Math, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Algebra, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Statistics, AutoCAD